Our Awesome Blog
Stories, strategies + straight up awesomeness tohelp you go from idea to empire
What is Canva?
Hey, Awesome You! If you haven't heard of Canva yet, you're probably not paying attention. Canva is a free graphic design platform that is entir...
Season 1: Episode 18
Tivi Jones is the founder & CEO of the seven-figure creative agency, Hey Awesome Girl. She works with a variety of clients and has a socia...
Season 1: Episode 17
In the seventeenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Natalie Miles, the psychic medium and storyteller. Her mission...
Season 1: Episode 16
In the sixteenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Meghan Stevenson, who helps entrepreneurs get traditional book d...
Season 1: Episode 15
In the fifteenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Founder & President of Lakretz Creative Services Beth Lakretz, w...
Season 1: Episode 14
In the fourteenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Candy Carver, a visual artist in Durham, North Carolina focused...
Season 1: Episode 13
In the thirteenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Crystal Taylor, Founder of Get Happy, a non-profit focused on r...
Season 1: Episode 12
In the twelfth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Liana Rebollo, Senior Counsel of Corporate Governance and Securiti...
Season 1: Episode 11
In the eleventh episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Keia Miller, Counsel with the Department of Veterans Affairs and ...
Season 1: Episode 10
In the tenth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Beth Carr, CEO of Fortified Branding. Beth helps companies solidify ...
Season 1: Episode 9
In the ninth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones, youâll meet Karla Montalvan, People en Español columnist and co-founder of Tamdem...
Season 1: Episode 8
The eighth episode of Hey Awesome Girl with Tivi Jones features Areli Barrera Grodski, co-owner of popular coffee shops Cocoa Cinnamon and ...
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